After the beginning of the endless journey to pave the road of curiosity, quality, and innovation Chemistry Department of Kanchrapara College is engaged in continuous effort to make fundamental chemistry more enriched via tailoring their perceptions with application oriented science. Aiming to lift up the quality of the undergraduate students with concomitant embracing success in their life the respected teachers and laboratory staffs always provide their best effort in theoretical as well as in practical classes. Overall 88 classes has been scheduled in a session including both theory and practical. The department is possessed with two full time teachers, three State aided College teachers (SACT-II), and two laboratory staffs. The approximate student teacher ratio is nearly 7:1 in honours course and 35:1 in general course. The laboratory is well equipped with moderate amount of equipments and instruments. The department is involved in organizing interdisciplinary seminar program, student’s seminar, field work etc. Along with the normal scheduled program the departmental teachers are also engaged in doing research and guiding project work of master degree students of other institutions. The teachers expect to exploit their notions duly to groom the conception of the students so that they can use their perseverance to provide innovative ideas in various field to make our country proud.
Important Facts:
Established: Hons: 1991, General: 1972
Courses: Semester wise 4 years degree courses (NEP 2020) under University of Kalyani.